Expand & Diversify your Emergency Food Supply With our Fruit, Veggie, & Snack Kit and our Mega Protein Kit with REAL Meat.


Fruit, Veggie & Snack Mix

Our most-popular food kit add-on!

Patriot Pantry has set the industry standard for for delicious and nutritious emergency food supplies. Along with vital vitamins and minerals, these freeze-dried vegetables and fruits are an excellent source of energy and healthy carbohydrates.


  • Freeze Dried Strawberries
  • Freeze Dried Blueberries
  • Banana Chips
  • Chocolate Pudding
  • Freeze Dried Corn
  • Freeze Dried Green Beans
  • Freeze Dried Pineapple
  • Freeze Dried Broccoli

In total with this kit you'll get 114 servings of hearty & tasty fruit and veggies & snacks. Packed in Resealable Mylar Pouches.  Up to 25-year shelf-life unopened and up to 1-year shelf-life after opening each pouch.  Gluten Free and Made in the USA.  Our low-heat dehydration method locks in the flavor and nutrition.

Click HERE to see the included foods

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Mega Protein Kit w/ Real Meat

For when extra energy is crucial!

In a crisis, protein is critical. Due to the physical, mental and emotional demands of survival, you need as much energy, strength, and resilience as possible. Protein delivers that and more. Extra helpings of protein build up your muscles, bones, joints, skin and blood. When a crisis occurs, a diet rich in protein keeps you in top form physically and mentally. What's more, the B-vitamins in meat, poultry, and beans help your body to access its energy stores.

What's In the Mega Protein Kit?

  • Freeze Dried Beef
  • Freeze Dried Chicken
  • Black Beans
  • Red Beans
  • Pinto Beans

In total with this kit you'll get 88 servings of hearty & tasty protein, vitamin, & mineral rich foods. Packed in Resealable Mylar Pouches.  Up to 25-year shelf-life unopened and up to 1-year shelf-life after opening each pouch.

Click HERE to see the included foods

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Fruit, Veggie & Snack Mix

Our most-popular food kit add-on!

Patriot Pantry has set the industry standard for for delicious and nutritious emergency food supplies. Along with vital vitamins and minerals, these freeze-dried vegetables and fruits are an excellent source of energy and healthy carbohydrates.


  • Freeze Dried Strawberries
  • Freeze Dried Blueberries
  • Banana Chips
  • Chocolate Pudding
  • Freeze Dried Corn
  • Freeze Dried Green Beans
  • Freeze Dried Pineapple
  • Freeze Dried Broccoli

In total with this kit you'll get 114 servings of hearty & tasty fruit and veggies & snacks. Packed in Resealable Mylar Pouches.  Up to 25-year shelf-life unopened and up to 1-year shelf-life after opening each pouch.  Gluten Free and Made in the USA.  Our low-heat dehydration method locks in the flavor and nutrition.

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Mega Protein Kit w/ Real Meat

For when extra energy is crucial!

In a crisis, protein is critical. Due to the physical, mental and emotional demands of survival, you need as much energy, strength, and resilience as possible. Protein delivers that and more. Extra helpings of protein build up your muscles, bones, joints, skin and blood. When a crisis occurs, a diet rich in protein keeps you in top form physically and mentally. What's more, the B-vitamins in meat, poultry, and beans help your body to access its energy stores.

What's In the Mega Protein Kit?

  • Freeze Dried Beef
  • Freeze Dried Chicken
  • Black Beans
  • Red Beans
  • Pinto Beans

In total with this kit you'll get 88 servings of hearty & tasty protein, vitamin, & mineral rich foods. Packed in Resealable Mylar Pouches.  Up to 25-year shelf-life unopened and up to 1-year shelf-life after opening each pouch.

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slctvrnt:--::|~|:shwqty:--:true:|~|:qty:--:1:|~|:prdurl:--:/cart:|~|:prdimgtp:--:variant:|~|:prdimgclass:--:zpa-mobile-align--center zpa-align--center pia-13374340:|~|:prdclass:--:ba-13374340:|~|:prdbtnltp:--:cart:|~|:prdbtnelt:--::|~|:prdbtncpt:--:BUY NOW!:|~|:prdbtnclass:--:zpa-button-padding-medium bcss-13374340:|~|:prdbtnalign:--:zpa-button-alignment-left:|~|:prdbdhtml:--:

Mega Protein Kit w/ Real Meat

For when extra energy is crucial!

In a crisis, protein is critical. Due to the physical, mental and emotional demands of survival, you need as much energy, strength, and resilience as possible. Protein delivers that and more. Extra helpings of protein build up your muscles, bones, joints, skin and blood. When a crisis occurs, a diet rich in protein keeps you in top form physically and mentally. What's more, the B-vitamins in meat, poultry, and beans help your body to access its energy stores.

What's In the Mega Protein Kit?

  • Freeze Dried Beef
  • Freeze Dried Chicken
  • Black Beans
  • Red Beans
  • Pinto Beans

In total with this kit you'll get 88 servings of hearty & tasty protein, vitamin, & mineral rich foods. Packed in Resealable Mylar Pouches.  Up to 25-year shelf-life unopened and up to 1-year shelf-life after opening each pouch.

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