1 in a Billion - A Chance Not Worth the Risk - My Patriot Supply

1 in a Billion - A Chance Not Worth the Risk

1 in a billion.

What's in your tap water?

If that's your chance of winning the lottery, you might say you have low odds of winning.

But if you're talking about certain contaminants in drinking water, 1 part in a billion can be all it takes to seriously affect your health.

Drinking water safety is something all of us need to take very seriously, especially given new reports and crises popping up nearly every week.

That's why we're devoting this entire Survival Scout to the latest issues surrounding water safety.

We'll dig into the reports, tell you what you need to know and share what to do to ensure safer, healthier water at home. Click the link below for our in-depth water bulletin.



As committed participants in a prepared, self-reliant lifestyle, we're always keeping our eye on water quality issues across the country.

When so much of everyday life depends on healthy, safe drinking water, knowledge of these issues is important. Not only to assess our risk but so that we can come to independent solutions, ensuring safer, cleaner water in the home of every patriot.

Let's take a look at the latest issues affecting our nation's water supply...


Also known as chromium-6, a new report on the danger of this chemical has grabbed major headlines in recent weeks. Chromium-6 became known as the Erin Brockovich Chemical after a 2000 movie starring Julia Roberts made mainstream America aware of it.

Still, 16 years after the movie, the EPA has never set safe levels for chromium-6 in drinking water. The new report widely circulated last week by the Environmental Working Group, an advocacy organization, claims that the tap water of 218 million Americans contains levels of chromium-6 that the EWG considers dangerous.

Toxic chromium-6 is in the tap water of 218 million Americans

While government agencies and scientists quibble about legal limits and toxicity, many citizens are left confused and concerned.

Here's an excerpt from a statement Erin Brockovich made in light of this new report:

"Whether it is chromium-6, PFOA or lead, the public is looking down the barrel of a serious water crisis across the country that has been building for decades..."

She went on to blame this crisis on "corruption, complacency and utter incompetence."

We'll stay on this story as it develops, but it bears noting that chromium-6 is only one layer of the onion when it comes to our nation's water supply.

Bill Walker, co-author of the EWG report made an insightful statement. He cautioned that the report is not about "trying to raise the alarm about a single chemical," but "using chromium-6 as a poster child for systemic failures of drinking water regulation."


As we said earlier, chromium-6 is just one of a handful of toxic contaminants grabbing headlines lately.

Back in August, Harvard released a study that found unsafe levels of industrial chemicals known as PFCs (or PFASs) found in the drinking water of 33 states. PFC stands for perfluorinated compounds, a class of industrial chemicals with a wide range of uses, from non-stick cookware to firefighting foam. These chemicals have been linked to hormone disruption, cancer, and obesity.

That's why locations near air bases, manufacturing and wastewater treatment plants are often at the highest risk for PFC contamination.

Since 2010, the Air Force has spent $137 million to study the scope of the problem on its bases. It says nearly 200 installations warrant more in-depth inspections for PFCs.

Toxic sludge seeps into drinking water

One final note on the Harvard study: the researchers contend that their small sampling indicates that the problem could be much bigger, as many water supplies did not receive measurements.

The researchers say that more monitoring is recommended, but we believe this is a major call to do something about the water coming from our taps.


A little over a year ago, the EPA spilled 3 million gallons of wastewater into the Animas River during a "clean up" of the Gold King Mine in Colorado.

Toxic spills pollute our drinking water

Since the spill at Animas, the EPA has spent 29 million in taxpayer dollars to try and clean up their own mess, yet the spill is ongoing. This has left lingering questions about when the water will be safe for drinking, irrigation and more.

And just last month, an oil pipeline in Alabama ruptured. Luckily, it seems that this leak is contained from contaminating the water at this point, though local residents are certainly concerned. Mother Nature poses a threat to drinking water as well. The recent floods in Louisiana left many without safe drinking water for weeks.

Major disasters like these represent the biggest, most visible threat to our water, and it's important to prepare for them. Yet, as shown in our earlier reporting, it doesn't take a visible disaster to make our water unsafe.


At My Patriot Supply, we recognized these emerging water quality issues from our beginnings in 2008.

But rather than rush a stop-gap solution to market, we spent years researching and developing a water filtration system we could use and trust with our own families.

We set strict standards and criteria when it came to water filtration and we wouldn't settle for anything less than groundbreaking innovation. On top of all that, it had to be affordable for every American concerned about their water quality.

Finally, the Alexapure™ Pro water filtration system was born.

The innovative Alexpaure Pro water filter

The Pro removes up to 99.9999% of water contaminants, including:

  • Lead
  • Chromium
  • Heavy Metals
  • Bacteria & Viruses
  • Pesticides & Nitrates
  • Flouride
  • Pharmaceuticals

Each Pro filter has a capacity of up to 5,000 gallons. You can use up to 4 filters for an increased, gravity-fed flow rate, ensuring cleaner, safer water for you and your family.

To get all the details on our revolutionary water filtration system, click here.

However, it's important for us in the know to spread this message to those who are woefully under-prepared for Mother Nature's might. The more of us that band together in preparedness, the better chance we stand in recovering from storms that are usually completely out of our control.

We hope you find the information in this bulletin helpful, and urge you to consider adding water filtration to your preparedness plan. We'll be staying on top of these matters as they continue to develop.

Should you need help with any specific water issues you're facing, our preparedness experts are standing by at 866.229.0927.

Have a great end of your weekend and stay alert out there, friends!

In Liberty,

Patriot Andrea
My Patriot Supply Water Purification Specialist

*Performance of filters may vary based on source water conditions and seasonal factors



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